Selected risk factors for stroke
A. Hudáčková; L. Šedová; S. Bártlová; F. Dolák; L. Havierniková
Authors‘ workplace:
Ředitelka: prof. PhDr. Valérie Tóthová, Ph. D.
; Zdravotně sociální fakulta
; Ústav ošetřovatelství, porodní asistence a neodkladné péče
; Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2021; 101(5): 273-281
Of different specialties
Background. Strokes are one of the major diseases of a global medical and economic problem. Despite the fact that mortality is decreasing in the Czech Republic, their incidence remains high.
Goals. The aim of the research was to focus on the issue of comprehensive prevention of ischemic stroke and to evaluate the occurrence of selected risk factors of strokes among citizens in the Czech Republic.
Methods. A combination of a non-standardized questionnaire of stroke prevention and a standardized overall health literacy questionnaire (HLSQ – 16) was used to collect data. The field survey was conducted using the technique of a standardized controlled interview between the interviewer and the respondent. The sample was constructed as a quota and consisted of 1004 respondents. Statistical data processing was performed by SASD 1.4.12 and SPSS.
Results. 16.7% of respondents smoke tobacco daily, less often than 9.2% per day. The remaining citizens (74.1%) do not smoke. A statistically significant relationship was identified between tobacco smoking and gender, age, marital status, employment and education of citizens. 2.5% of respondents smoke e-cigarettes daily. 93.0% of citizens do not smoke. Whether or not a citizen smokes is significantly affected by age, marital status and employment. 6.0% of respondents consume alcohol every day or almost every day, 0.8% of abstainers. Alcohol consumption is significantly affected by the sex and age of the respondent, his marital status, employment and education. Factors that represent the greatest psychological burden include time pressure and the fact that work is so demanding that it cannot be done for years with the same performance.
Conclusion. It is important to improve the health literacy of the population in the issue of modifiable risk factors of strokes.
stroke – smoking – Alcohol consumption – risk factors – work mental stress
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