Time of onset of chronic diseases in the middle-aged population
D. Skýbová 1,2; H. Šlachtová 1,2; H. Tomášková 1,2; Ľ. Argalášová 3; J. Klánová 4; L. Kukla 4; L. Andrýsková 4
Authors‘ workplace:
Ostravská univerzita, Lékařská fakulta Ústav epidemiologie a ochrany veřejného zdraví Vedoucí: doc. MUDr. Rastislav Maďar, PhD., MBA, FRCPS
1; Ostravská univerzita, Lékařská fakulta Centrum epidemiologického výzkumu Vedoucí: RNDr. Vítězslav Jiřík, Ph. D.
2; Univerzita Komenského Bratislava, Lekárská fakulta, Ústav hygieny, Přednostka: prof. MUDr. Ľubica Argalášová, PhD., MPH
3; Masarykova Univerzita Brno, Přírodovědecká fakulta, Centrum RECETOX, Ředitelka: prof. RNDr. Jana Klánová, Ph. D.
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2023; 103(2): 76-83
Of different specialties
Objectives: The aim of the study was to determine the period of life in which the onset of chronic diseases appears in the middleaged population and to determine the predictors of the disease’s occurrence. The data on the adult population originated from the longitudinal follow-up of the ELSPAC study was used.
Methods: The selected questionnaire data of the cohort gained at consecutive intervals during the years 1990–2010 were analysed descriptively, with the use of parametric or not parametric statistical methods according the distribution of data, and survival analysis. Differences between curves were tested by log-rank tests (at significance level of 5%). The SW Stata v.15 was used.
Results: The sample (N = 1208) consisted of 823 women and 385 men. The mean age of women at study entry was 25.0 ± 4.86 years, the age of men 28.8 ± 6.05 years. The proportion of a good self-reported health has decreased continually over time from more than 80% in both sexes aged 30 to about 50% in the age of mid-forties. Most respondents suffered from back pain, hypertension, and joint pain. The prevalence of diagnosed diseases has raised over time. Problems with hypertension begin in women from the age of 38 (39 in men) and there was no statistically significant difference by gender (p = 0.265). Survival analysis found a significant difference by gender for depression (p < 0.001) and physician-confirmed back pain (p < 0.001), which affect respondents from 35 years, significantly more in women (p < 0.001).
Conclusion: The analysis of the ELSPAC cohort revealed a decreasing trend in the proportion of people with a good health status, in people aged about 40 this proportion fell to 50%.
health status – lifestyle – chronic diseases – longitudinal study
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