Nurses view on elderly and old age
I. Mašlaňová
Authors‘ workplace:
Jesenická nemocnice, spol. s r. o. Jeseník
Published in:
Geriatrie a Gerontologie 2012, 1, č. 2: 77-80
Original Article/Study
Nursing in geriatrics is one of most challenging branches of nursing. The right professional and sensitive approach helps to improve the quality of patient´s life substantially. This approach needs however a great deal of empathy and personal commitment. This feature of geriatric nursing is not evaluated adequately even by other health care professionals. The main aim of work was to realize attitudes of nurses to seniors and their own ageing.
Studied group of respondents comprised 154 nurses working in faculty health care facilities in Brno, Czech Republic. First group of 91 nurses worked with seniors as patients everyday, another group of 63 nurses came from children departments. All respondents fulfilled the originally constructed questionnaire. Data were evaluated by common statistic methods and the statistic significance was tested by parameter tau-c.
Age and practice duration influenced significantly positively the relationship to seniors. The analysis showed the stronger influence of the profession on personal attitude to ageing and to seniors in nurses working with seniors everyday. From the most perceived impact point of view non geriatric nurses answered “satisfaction” and “joy”, geriatric nurses answered more frequently “hopelessness”, “fear from own ageing” and “stress”.
The nursing care for seniors means greater psychical demands for nurses in sense of negative experience as stress, hopelessness and negative influence to personal attitude to own ageing. Despite these negative influence there is necessary to keep the professional approach, positive motivation of seniors and creation of positive atmosphere at the department.
Key words:
geriatric nursing – senior – nurse – pediatric nurse – ageing
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