Relevance of left ventricular contractile reserve evaluated by dobutamine echocardiography in patients with advanced chronic heart failure

Authors: P. Lupínek;  P. Frídl;  I. Málek;  T. Marek;  J. Kautzner
Authors place of work: Klinika kardiologie IKEM, Praha, přednosta doc. MUDr. Josef Kautzner, CSc., FESC
Published in the journal: Vnitř Lék 2005; 51(9): 950-956
Category: Original Contributions


Several publications have suggested that the examination of left ventricular contractile reserve by dobutamine echocardiography may be useful in the prognostic evaluation of patients with heart failure.

To investigate whether the change of left ventricular volumes, ejection fraction (LVEF) and Doppler Tei index after dobutamine challenge is able to predict further evolution of heart failure.

66 heart transplant candidates (average age 51.5 ± 9.2 years; men/women 55/11, dilated cardiomyopathy/ischemic heart disease 32/34) with chronic systolic heart failure underwent dobutamine echocardiography (5 and 10 µg/kg/min each 5 min) with assessment of enddiastolic and endsystolic volumes (EDV, ESV), LVEF and Tei index. The same parameters were examined after 1 year.

Dobutamine test showed statistically significant improvement of LVEF (p = 0.004), ESV (p = 0.003) and Tei index (p < 0.001). Changes of LVEF and Tei index with dobutamine had no relation to the changes of these parameters after 1 year. Only in patients with ischemic heart disease there was a significant correlation between EDV and ESV changes during the dobutamine test and their changes after 1 year (r = 0.61, p = 0.016; r = 0.57, p = 0,027).

EDV and ESV changes during dobutamine test can predict to a certain degree left ventricular remodelling within 1 year in patients with advanced heart failure due to ischemic heart disease. Changes of LVEF and Tei index do not have such a predictive value.

Key words:
heart failure - heart transplantation - dobutamine echocardiography - left ventricular remodelling - contractile reserve


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