The electrocardiogram in acute myocardial infarction with reperfusion: current concepts regarding Q waves and their dynamics
J. Šochman
Authors‘ workplace:
Klinika kardiologie IKEM, Praha, přednosta prof. MUDr. Josef Kautzner, CSc., FESC
Published in:
Vnitř Lék 2006; 52(12): 1181-1184
The formation of Q waves in patients with myocardial infarction with primary ECG – documented ST elevations has been the subject of considerable attention. Less widely known, however, has been the fact that Q waves need not be a permanent feature and may disappear or decrease in quantity in some patients. For some time, the Q wave was perceived as a transmural extent of predominantly non-viable myocardial structures (scars or fibrosis). A most effective method for infarct-related artery recanalization is now available and the latest techniques have demonstrated beyond any doubt that even an invariable Q wave need not necessarily indicate loss of myocardial viability. Even in the era of thrombolysis, successful recanalization of an infarctrelated artery led to a specific ECG pattern in patients undergoing artery recanalization or reperfusion of the corresponding myocardial segment. The main features included a decrease in Q waves and, possibly, an increase in R waves in the ECG leads reflecting the respective ischemic events. This overview provides evidence of the significance of the Q wave in the ECG. It therefore comes as a surprise that modern cardiology has given so little attention to the above facts.
Key words:
reperfusion – electrocardiogram – Q waves – myocardial viability
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