The combination of an ACE inhibitor and a calcium channel blocker is an optimal combination for the treatment of hypertension

Authors: J. Widimský
Authors place of work: Klinika kardiologie IKEM Praha, přednosta prof. MUDr. Jan Kautzner, CSc., FESC
Published in the journal: Vnitř Lék 2009; 55(2): 123-130
Category: Reviews


Combination of drugs from different classes of antihypertensives provides an additional antihypertensive effect thus mini­mising the probability of adverse effects related to the dose of antihypertensive. Combination therapy is indicated for the following groups of hypertensive patients: (a) all hypertensive patients whose systolic blood pressure exceeds the target systolic blood pressure value by > 20 mm Hg, or whose diastolic blood pressure exceeds the target diastolic blood pressure value by > 10 mm Hg; (b) in patients with diabetes mellitus (because the target values are < 130/80 mm Hg); (c) patients with target organ damage; (d) patients with a kidney or cardiovascular disease (patients with IHD, patients after a cerebrovascular accident); (e) patients with overall cardiovascular risk according the SCORE ≥ 5%. The advantage of fixed combinations resides in the fact that they increase compliance with treatment by reducing the number of pills taken by the patients. A fixed combination of the ACE inhibitor perindopril and the calcium channel blocker amlodipine proves optimal as has been shown by the results of the ASCOT-BPLA study. The launch of the above combination on this market should therefore be welcome. The fixed combination of perindopril and amlodipine will be indicated for hypertensive patients with uncontrolled hypertension or cardiovascular risk factors. This fixed combination will also be ideal for patients with a higher risk of diabetes mellitus, i.e. patients with a higher fasting glycaemia, in patients with impaired glucose tolerance and in patients with the metabolic syndrome. We strongly believe that it will improve the control of hypertension in our hypertensive patients, and improve the cardioprotective and nephroprotective effect of hypertension therapy.

Key words:
combination of antihypertensives – fixed combination – perindopril – amlodipine – improvement of the control of hypertension and prognosis


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Diabetology Endocrinology Internal medicine
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