Metabolic surgery – the most effective diabetes treatment
P. Sucharda
Authors‘ workplace:
III. interní klinika 1. lékařské fakulty UK a VFN Praha, přednosta prof. MUDr. Štěpán Svačina, DrSc., MBA
Published in:
Vnitř Lék 2011; 57(4): 396-401
12th national Symposium diabetes, "Diabetes and Gastroenterology", Hradec Kralove, 4 to 5 June 2010
Bariatric operations resulting in a favourable metabolic effect – not only due to a reduction of excessive body weight – are known as metabolic surgery. Interventions into the digestive tract, especially the prevented contact of food with the duodenal and proximal jejunal lining and/or the effect of an insufficiently digested food on the jejunum, favourably affect incretin mechanisms. Thus, “resolution” of type 2 diabetes and discontinuation of antidiabetic medication can be achieved in as many as 95 percent of patients. Today, combined procedures (gastric bypass, biliopancreatic diversion) are indicated for diabetic subjects with severe obesity. The usefulness and indication of metabolic surgery for type 2 diabetics with less pronounced overweight have to be verified in prospective controlled studies.
Key words:
obesity – surgery – diabetes – incretin
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Diabetology Endocrinology Internal medicineArticle was published in
Internal Medicine

2011 Issue 4
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