Carotid artery stenting – history, trends and innovations
Miloslav Špaček; Josef Veselka
Authors‘ workplace:
Kardiologická klinika 2. LF UK a FN Motol Praha, přednosta prof. MUDr. Josef Veselka, CSc., FESC, FSCAI, FICA
Published in:
Vnitř Lék 2014; 60(12): 1072-1075
70. birthday prof. MUDr. Michael Aschermann, DrSc., FESC, FACC
Surgical carotid endarterectomy is traditionally considered the standard approach for the treatment of atherosclerotic carotid artery disease based on its long history of favorable outcomes. Many of the patients could, however, be offered carotid artery stenting (CAS), which has over time evolved into an elaborate method. With proper selection of patients, CAS provides comparable long-term outcomes and very low risk of periprocedural complication. This article summarises the current knowledge, trends and innovations in CAS.
carotid artery stenting – carotid endarterectomy – protection systems – transcranial doppler
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