The management of chronic diseases in international comparison
Miroslav Barták
Authors‘ workplace:
Katedra sociální práce Fakulty sociálně ekonomické UJEP Ústí nad Labem, vedoucí katedry PhDr. Petr Balek
Published in:
Vnitř Lék 2014; 60(5-6): 462-466
The goal of this overview paper is to offer the international (European) evidence in the field of chronic diseases condition. Chronic conditions counting more that 60 % of all deaths worldwide and about 90 % of all deaths in the Czech Republic. Population development in developed countries is characterized by increasing live expectancy and by growing population in higher age groups namely in age more that 65 years. In the same time the population faced the consequences of unhealthy live style like eating’s habit or physical inactivity. Thanks these factors as well as thanks increasing expectations and available medical technologies the costs of chronic conditions are increasing. More attention is currently paid to the integrated management of chronic condition based on self-management, use of ITC as well as use family support and community based approach.
Key words:
chronic diseases – health system – international comparison management
1. Nolte E, Knai C, McKee M. Managing chronic conditions. Experience in eight countries. WHO on behalf of European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies: Copenhagen 2008. ISBN 978 92 890 4294 9.
2. Barták M. Mezinárodní srovnání zdravotnických systémů. Wolters Kluwer: Praha 2013. ISBN 978 80 7357 984 5.
3. Busse R, Blümel M, Scheller-Kreinsen D et al. Tackling chronic disease in Europe: Strategies, interventions and challenges. WHO, on behalf of European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies: Copenhagen 2010. ISBN 978 92 890 4192 8.
4. The European Health Report 2012: charting the way to well-being. WHO: Copenhagen 2013. ISBN 978 92 890 1427 4.
5. Legido-Quigley H, Panteli D, Car J et al (eds). Clinical guidelines for chronic conditions in the European Union. WHO: Copenhagen 2013. ISBN 978 92 890 0021 5.
6. Causes of death statistics. Data from October 2013. Eurostat. Anotace. Dostupné z WWW: <>.
Diabetology Endocrinology Internal medicineArticle was published in
Internal Medicine

2014 Issue 5-6
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