Carotid stenosis – diagnosis and treatment
Tomáš Novotný; Robert Staffa
Authors‘ workplace:
Centrum cévních onemocnění II. chirurgické kliniky LF MU a FN u sv. Anny Brno, přednosta prof. MUDr. Robert Staffa, Ph. D.
Published in:
Vnitř Lék 2015; 61(12): 1049-1066
Diagnosis and treatment of carotid stenosis is under incessant development. Especially in last years, we have noticed significant changes in opinions based on the results of meta-analyses of old evidence and the new evidence as well. Important factor involved is the fast development of new endovascular therapies. In reaction to these changes, several medical societies published their guidelines for the management of carotid stenosis. Even though, all of them are based practically on the same published medical evidence, they are not always similar in recommendations. The aim of our work was to summarize actual recommendations regarding management of carotid stenosis. The management of asymptomatic and symptomatic patients is being discussed separately where appropriate because these two groups of patients are very different. The recommendations for selection of type of intervention between carotid endarterectomy and carotid stenting were covered in detail as well.
Key words:
carotid endarterectomy – carotid stenosis – carotid stenting – guidelines
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Internal Medicine

2015 Issue 12
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