Pelvic venous congestion syndrome – diagnosis and management.
Guidelines of the Angiology Section of Slovak Medical Chamber (2015)

Authors: Peter Gavorník 1,2,3;  Karol Holomáň 4;  Ľudovít Gašpar 1,3;  Andrej Dukát 1,3;  Andrea Komorníková 1,3;  †emil;  Gavorník 3,4
Authors‘ workplace: II. interná klinika LF UK a UN Bratislava, Slovenská republika, prednosta doc. MUDr. Ľudovít Gašpar, CSc. 1;  Prvé angiologické pracovisko (PAP), vedúci lekár doc. MUDr. Peter Gavorník, PhD., mim. prof. 2;  Angiologická sekcia Slovenskej lekárskej komory (AS SLK), predseda doc. MUDr. Peter Gavorník, PhD., mim. prof. 3;  II. gynekologicko-pôrodnícka klinika LF UK a UN Bratislava, Slovenská republika, prednosta prof. MUDr. Karol Holomáň, CSc. 4
Published in: Vnitř Lék 2015; 61(3): 244-250
Category: Guidelines


Pelvic congestion syndrome: chronic symptoms, which may include pelvic pain, perineal heaviness, urgency of micturition, and post-coital pain, caused by ovarian and/or pelvic vein reflux and/or obstruction, and which may be associated with vulvar, perineal, and/or lower extremity varices. The VEIN-TERM consensus document was developed by a transatlantic interdisciplinary faculty of experts under the auspices of the American Venous Forum (AVF), the European Venous Forum (EVF), the International Union of Phlebology (IUP), the American College of Phlebology (ACP), and the International Union of Angiology (IUA). It provides recommendations for fundamental venous terminology. Project Vessels of AS SMC.

Key words:
angiology/vascular medicine – diagnosis – chronic venous disease (CVD) – management – pelvic congestion syndrome (PCS) – phlebology/venous medicine


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Diabetology Endocrinology Internal medicine

Article was published in

Internal Medicine

Issue 3

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