Otto Kahler and his family (on the 125th anniversary of his death): I. Ancestors
Pavel Čech
Authors‘ workplace:
Kabinet dějin lékařství 3. LF UK, Praha
Published in:
Vnitř Lék 2018; 64(9): 879-885
From the History of Medicine
The 125th death anniversary of the famous internist Otto Kahler (1849–1893) offers an occasion to remind that, in the 19th and 20th centuries, his family with all roots of ancestors deeply taken in Bohemia enriched history of medicine with a line of five remarkable physicians in four consecutive generations. The first generation is represented by Otto’s father Josef Kahler (1810–1870), the fourth of fifteen children of a farmer in Großdorf near Braunau in northeast Bohemia. He graduated from Charles-Ferdinand University in Prague (1838), worked as a surgical intern and an assistant at Prague Maternity Hospital, as a docent (1844) he announced lectures on acology and desmaturgy (1844–1846). He then became a police and forensic physician (1845), since 1846 he acted as a wound physician at the Provincial Prison as well as Provincial Forced-Labor House and Reformatory until his sudden death during a session of a charitable society (1870) shortly before his son Otto graduated from the father’s alma mater (1971) to ripen into a pioneer personality whose name remains a lasting constituent of a synonym for multiple myeloma. Key words: Charles-Ferdinand University – genealogy – Joseph Kahler – Otto Kahler – Prague
1. SOA v Zámrsku, matrika Grossdorf X, N 1808–1838: 3, 6, 9, 11, 14, 16, 19, 22, 25, 29, 33, 36, 43.
2. SOA v Zámrsku, matrika Broumov III, N 1730–1766: 41, 653, 1076.
3. SOA v Zámrsku, matrika Broumov IV, N 1767–1784: 555.
4. SOA v Zámrsku, matrika Broumov II, O 1760–1784: 211, 232.
5. SOA v Zámrsku, matrika Broumov V, N 1784–1808: 8.
6. SOA v Zámrsku, matrika Broumov III, O 1784–1832: 23.
7. SOA v Zámrsku, matrika Grossdorf, N 1784–1808: 63, 66.
8. Adamec J, Svobodný P , Hlaváčková L (eds). Biografický slovník pražské lékařské fakulty 1348–1939. Díl I. A-K. Univerzita Karlova: Praha 1988: 121, 131–132. Adamec J, Svobodný P , Hlaváčková L (eds). Biografický slovník pražské lékařské fakulty 1348–1939. Díl II. L-Ž. Univerzita Karlova: Praha 1993: 66–67, 121–122. ISBN 80–7066–696-X.
9. AUK, Matricula facultatis medicae Pragensis ab anno 1784 (M 64): 63.
10. AHMP, Soupis pražského obyvatelstva 1830–1910 (1920), pražští příslušníci, krab. č. 121, poř. č. 163.
11. SOA v Praze, matrika Noutonice 12, N 1799–1855: 46–47.
12. SOA v Praze, matrika Lochovice 06, N 1784–1800: 27.
13. SOA v Praze, matrika Lochovice 08, N 1813–1823: 5.
14. SOA v Praze, matrika Lochovice 08, N 1813–1823: 127.
15. SOA v Praze, matrika Lochovice 09, N 1824–1840: 29.
16. SOA v Praze, matrika Lochovice 08, N 1813–1823: 55.
17. SOA v Praze, matrika Bezdědice 04, N 1758–1784: 323.
18. SOA v Praze, matrika Bezdědice 04, O 1758–1784: 808.
19. SOA v Praze, matrika Noutonice 12, O 1799–1854: 12–13.
20. SOA v Praze, matrika Noutonice 12, Z 1798–1855: 16.
21. AHMP, matrika JIL N14, N 1847–1855: 15.
22. AHMP, matrika HV N16, N 1842–1849: 229 (231).
23. AHMP, matrika HV N17, N 1850–1855: 54 (57).
24. AHMP, Soupis pražského obyvatelstva 1830–1910 (1920), pražští příslušníci, krab. č. 280, poř. č. 228.
25. NA, PŘ I, konskripce, karton 552, obraz 621.
26. AHMP, matrika TRS Z4, Z 1858–1878: 162.
27. NA, PŘ I, konskripce, karton 247, obraz 904.
28. AHMP, matrika PMS Z4, Z 1866–1900: 46.
29. Bohemia: ein Unterhaltungsblatt 1870; 43(216): 3228, 43(217): 3336.
30. Anonym. Drobnosti – Úmrtí: Dr. Josef Kahler. Čas Lék Čes 1870; 9: 304.
Diabetology Endocrinology Internal medicineArticle was published in
Internal Medicine

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