Pulmonary embolism: retrospective view at known disease
Margita Belicová; Milan Ochodnický; Jurina Sadloňová; Dana Prídavková; Marián Mokáň
Authors‘ workplace:
I. Interná klinika JLF UK a UN Martin, Slovenská republika
Published in:
Vnitř Lék 2019; 65(7-8): 475-482
Original Contributions
Introduction: Acute pulmonary embolism, usually caused by thromboembolism is still a serious medical problem in spite of technical progress in diagnostics, as well as the enhancements in prophylactic and therapeutic options.
Aim: The evaluation of characteristic, incidence, diagnostic, treatment and mortality rate of patients with pulmonary embolism hospitalized at the 1st Internal Clinic, University Hospital in Martin, within the years 1996–2017.
Methods: The authors offer retrospective analysis of 699 (359 men) patients with pulmonary embolism. Diagnosis was confirmed by angiography, perfusion scan or computed tomography. The data of patients were collected continuously and they are archived at the workplace of the authors.
Results: Patients with explicitly confirmed pulmonary embolism created 1.01 % of all hospitalized patients with average age 60.2. The average age of men was lower compared to women (56.6 vs 65.9). As high-risk pulmonary embolism presented 14.88 %, intermediate-risk 40.77 % and low-risk 44.34 % patients with pulmonary embolism. The source of pulmonary embolism was detected in 46.35 % and risk factors were detected in 52.79 % patients with pulmonary embolism. With thrombolytic therapy were treated 23.18 % of all patient with pulmonary embolism and intracranial bleeding occurred in 0.28 % of them. Early mortality rate was 7.58 % of all patients with pulmonary embolism.
Conclusion: The authors detected increasing occurrence of patients with pulmonary embolism and from 2005 increasing occurrence of non-provoked pulmonary embolism. An average age in the patients with non-provoked pulmonary embolism compared to patients with provoked pulmonary was lower in men (53.5 vs 60.9) as well in women (56 vs 67.7). Patients with non-provoked pulmonary embolism compared to patients with provoked pulmonary were more frequent hospitalized because acute coronary syndrome (5.03 % vs 2.91 %) as well ischemic stroke (7.16 % vs 5.61 %) within one year after pulmonary embolism.
Deep vein thrombosis – Pulmonary embolism – risk factors of venous thrombosis
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Internal Medicine

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