Diagnostic hospitalizations before patient inclusion on the waiting list for kidney transplantation

Authors: Monika Beliančinová 1;  Karol Graňák 1;  Matej Vnučák 1;  Petra Skalová 1;  Udovít Laca 1;  Marián Mokáň 2;  Ivana Dedinská 1
Authors place of work: Chirurgická klinika a Transplantačné centrum, Univerzitná nemocnica Martin a Jesseniova lekárska fakulta Univerzity Komenského 1;  I. interná klinika, Univerzitná nemocnica Martin a Jesseniova lekárska fakulta Univerzity Komenského 2
Published in the journal: Vnitř Lék 2021; 67(1): 4-8
Category: Original Contributions


Introduction: For kidney transplantation is indicated any patient with chronic kidney disease in the terminal stage, unless it has a contraindication for this operation. The aim of this work is to evaluate the benefit of diagnostic hospitalizations of the patients before inclusion on the waiting list for kidney transplantation and to identify the most common differential diagnostic problems for the indication / contraindication for kidney transplantation.

Material and methods: This is a retrospective analysis, which included all potential recipients who underwent the examination process before inclusion on the waiting list and living donors in the form of diagnostic hospitalization at the Transplant Center at Martin University Hospital in 2016–2019.

Results: A total of 49 patients were included in the cohort, the average length of hospitalization was 5.6 days. Kidney trans‑ plantation subsequently underwent 22 of these patients, 3 patients were clearly contraindicated.


waiting list – diagnostic hospitalization – kidney transplantation


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