How to run an internal medicine department: head physician – trainer
Zdeněk Monhart
Authors‘ workplace:
Interní oddělení a urgentní příjem, Nemocnice Znojmo
1; Lékařská fakulta Masarykovy Univerzity, Brno
Published in:
Vnitř Lék 2022; 68(1): 8-13
Main Topic
Internal medicine is the core medical discipline that is responsible for the care of adults with complex illness. Therefore, the preparation for the internal medicine specialty is demanding and requires close cooperation of trainees with the educational supervisor, who is usually the head of the internal medicine department. In addition to his medical work, the head of the department is also director of the training programme. Educational activities should have their allocated time, and all doctors who act as trainers should recognise their responsibility to participate in the postgraduate training of future physicians. Comprehensive assessment of trainees progress must be an integral part of the training programme. Almost one quarter of trainees fail board certification in internal medicine. Training institutions offering postgraduate education in internal medicine should focus on to improve their performance.
postgraduate education – internal medicine – educational supervisor
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2. Sbírka zákonů a Sbírka mezinárodních smluv – Ministerstvo vnitra České republiky (
3. Vzdělávací programy (
4. efim_eu_curriculum_1.pdf
5. Torres‑Macho, J et al. Point‑of‑care ultrasound in internal medicine: A position paper by the ultrasound working group of the European federation of internal medicine. Eur J Intern Med. 2020 Mar;73:67-71.
6. Cranston, Mark et al. Postgraduate education in internal medicine in Europe. Eur J Intern Med. 2013 Oct;24(7):633-638.
Diabetology Endocrinology Internal medicineArticle was published in
Internal Medicine

2022 Issue 1
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