Premature child and orofacial complex - developmental continuity
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Listy klinické logopedie 2017; 1(2): 31-39
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Premature birth has a complex impact on the programmed trajectory of fetal development. The uterus is a natural and stimulating, regulatory and correct development environment for the child. Premature babies are perceived as fetuses evolving in the evolutionary unnatural extrauterine environment of the neonatal ICU. This can significantly affect neurophysiological, emotional and psychosocial development of the child.
Neonatology is a field with a very dynamic. New treatments increase the number of survivors severely premature infants is increasing with new and very vulnerable children at risk patient group long-term morbidity. Caring for these children is becoming increasingly challenging volume and quality demands and complexity. Follow-up care for these children must be comprehensive. It should include physical health care, early physiotherapy and sensory rehabilitation, and include parenting and other care for the child‘s healthy psychosocial development in the context of family and school.
In the care of an infant, care is essential for adequate nutrition. Nutrition affects early and long-term morbidity in all weight classes of premature babies. The coordinated function of the orofacial complex is conditioned by oral feeding. Stabilization of this coordination is one of the conditions for the release of an infant in home care. Mother milk is essential for optimal growth and development of premature baby. It‘s not just about nutritional significance. Breast milk has a complex impact on the development of supporting child health and shaping maternal behavior. It is a direct part of developmental care to mitigate the effects of immaturity on lifelong health. Breastfeeding has a direct relationship to the maturation of the orofacial complex, it affects breathing functions and coordination, speech development and body shape formation.
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