Hlaváčová Simona 1
Published in:
Listy klinické logopedie 2021; 5(2): 22-29
EBP is an approach that uses the best scientific evidence, the clinical experience of the professional, and the preferences and values of the patient in treatment. Appropriate integration of these three areas of EBP leads to an ideal impact on the clinical result and quality of life of the patient. The steps for implementation in practice include asking clinical questions related to a specific problem, seeking the best evidence, assessing the quality of the evidence (validity, impact, usability), the application to practice, assessing the quality of impact and modification of the process. Knowledge of the PICO system and the hierarchy of evidence is essential when working with the scientific results. There are some limitations when implementing EBP in the practice of a Speech Therapist: unavailability of sources, incorrect understanding of EBP, organisational problems, conservative approach, and refusing to accept changes to everyday practice. Other medical fields have experienced a positive impact when using EBP, so we can expect the same in Speech Therapy. Examples of the positive impact of EBP include the increased motivation of the patient and his/ her family, ease of communication with other medical professionals, greater effectivity of therapy, reducing the need for more therapy sessions, effective communication with employers and insurance companies and better advocacy of the field.
research – speech and language therapy – review – evidence-based practice – evidence
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Clinical speech therapy General practitioner for children and adolescentsArticle was published in
Clinical speech therapy (Listy klinické logopedie)

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