Potential of Modelling to Support Communication Skills of Children with Neurodevelop-mental Disorders in Early Intervention

Authors: Štinglová Kateřina 1
Authors‘ workplace: PhDr. Kateřina Štinglová, Raná péče Diakonie. Diakonie ČCE – Středisko celostátních programů a služeb, Domažlická 1159/9, 130 00 Praha 3, Česká republika., E-mail: stinglova@rana-pece. cz. 1
Published in: Listy klinické logopedie 2024; 8(2): 33-39
Category: Main topic
doi: https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.36833/lkl.2024.025


Ways of supporting the communication skills of children with neurodevelopmental disorders in the home environment seem to be a marginal area of professional interest. The aim of this paper is to present one of the alternative and augmentative communication strategies – namely, modelling, that can be provided to families by early intervention. The paper situates modelling in the context of alternative and augmentative communication and presents this strategy as a potentially relevant way in which families can repeatedly convey the meaning and principles of communication to children with these disorders.


early intervention; neurodevelopmental disorders: Autism Spectrum Disorder, Developmental Language Disorder; augmentative and alternative communication, modelling


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Clinical speech therapy General practitioner for children and adolescents

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