Resuscitation and intensive care of suckling infants, children and adolescents from the view of physician review

Authors: V. Macháček
Authors place of work: Nemocnice Na Homolce, Praha
Published in the journal: Reviz. posud. Lék., 14, 2011, č. 4, s. 154-158


The communication illustrates the problems in reporting resuscitation and intensive care of suckling infants, children and adolescents and draws attention to demands in revision of the care. The indispensability of material-technical and personal background represents the basic prerequisite. In view of all that it is necessary that the revision be performed by an experienced professional. The possibility to use DRG for simplification of the problems is indicated.

Key words:
resuscitation and intensive care of suckling infants, children and adolescents – material-technical and personal prerequisites – reporting the care – day of treatment – DRG

Medical assessment Occupational medicine
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