Drug regulation in Europe at the time of crisis

Authors: Prokeš Michal
Authors place of work: Infopharm a. s.
Published in the journal: Reviz. posud. Lék., 15, 2012, č. 1, s. 34-40
Category: Review Articles


From the data presented at the PPRI Meeting it has become obvious that there are countries, which regulate the cost even worse than we do, but the Czech Republic should make up for better achievement. I was pleased at the conference myself by two matters: at first, even the Austrian officials came to the conclusion that cost regulation should not only regulate the drug price, but it is also necessary to support rational drug prescription. Secondly, preference should be given to creation of elaborated and comprehensive system of regulation rather than accepting individual regulation measures. Hopefully our leading regulators will be advised on this foreign experience.

Key words:
price regulation – comprehensive national drug policy – global view of establishing drug prices and compensation – changes in drug policy in EU induced by economic crisis – national system of drug regulation

Medical assessment Occupational medicine
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