Fibromyalgic syndrome

Authors: Jeremiáš Pavel
Authors place of work: Oddělení klinické farmakologie, FN Plzeň
Published in the journal: Reviz. posud. Lék., 15, 2012, č. 3-4, s. 97-113
Category: Review articles


The article deals with the diagnostics, frequency, prognosis and impact on the quality of life, pathophysiology and therapy of fibromyalgic syndrome. In addition to clinical data the consequence on insurance and non-insurance systems are outlined – according to some studies 25% of patients drew some kind of social benefits and the patients’ sick leave was twice as much as in normal subjects.

Test of evaluation of individual symptoms and possibilities of treatment including the EULAR recommendations are presented.

Key words:
fibromyalgic syndrome – pain – depression – functional disability – painful points – maladaptive pain – colorimetry – catastrophization


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