Prerequisites for the origin of new social laws, especially insurance of employees for the case of disease, invalidity and old age after the establishment of Czechoslovakia

Authors: Gebhart Jaroslav
Published in: Reviz. posud. Lék., 16, 2013, č. 2, s. 68-76
Category: History of the discipline


The communication recalls the 90-year anniversary of the preparation and beginning of negotiating the law about insurance of employees for the case of disease, invalidity and old age. There will be 90 years since it was introduced. The paper describes objective preconditions of this and other social laws, which were affected by the postwar situation and the origin of Czechoslovakia in 1918. The explosive internal and international political-economic situation was the main accelerating agent in preparation of the law. Its quality earned an international recognition of social policy of Czechoslovakia in the interwar situation together with other social laws. It was made possible by subjective preconditions: education and long-term interest in social problems with a series professionals and politicians, who managed to came to agreement for a solution irrespective of their different political parties, a conclusion which was found optimal and acceptable. Fates of the main partakers Dr. J. Gruber, Dr. Lev Winter, Dr. C. Horáček, Dr. E. Schoenbaum,Dr. J. Gallas and Dr. B. Odstrčil. At the present time many physicians is engaged in politics. It was not so before. This reminder wants to point out the necessary under-standing of broader associations of political decisions with economic-political connections as well as the professional readiness of the actors. History is the teacher of life, said Cicero.

development of industry – origin a evolution of the workers movement – differences among Austrian-Hungarian Empire – social insurance and its evolution – situation after World War I – establishment of ČSR – objective and subjective preconditions – social laws of Czechoslovakia – Law of employee insurance for the case of disease – invalidity and old age – 90 years since its preparation and beginning of negotiation – J. Gruber – C. Horáček – L. Winter – E. Schoenbaum – J. Gallas – B. Odstrčil – physicians in politics


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Medical assessment Occupational medicine

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Medical Revision

Issue 2

2013 Issue 2

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