Long-term unfavorable health state and follow-up examinations in relation to serious health disorders

Authors: J. Venclová
Authors place of work: Česká správa sociálního zabezpečení, Praha
Published in the journal: Reviz. posud. Lék., 21, 2018, č. 2, s. 39-43
Category: Original Articles, Review Articles, Case Reports


Assessment of long-term unfavorable health status by Assessment Service is a proces with defined rules. While Assessment Service is examining the fulfillment of the health condition for different purposes, it is not a recognition based on the diagnosis itself. In order to recognize the health condition, it is necessary to objectively identify a long-term unfavorable health condition with a functional disorder. The basis for a convincing and correct assessment is the medical and other documentation, which should be complete. Determining the date of occurrence of the long-term unfavorable health condition with the assessment impact presumes the medical and legal knowledge related to given assessment issue.


long-term unfavorable health status – control medical examination for social security purposes – medical Assessment Service (MAS) – assessment

Medical assessment Occupational medicine
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