Notes on the evaluation of motor functions in assessment medicine

Authors: M. Bulíčková 1,2;  V. Bártlová 1
Authors place of work: LPS OSSZ Kolín 1;  Rehabilitační oddělení Oblastní nemocnice Kolín, a. s. 2
Published in the journal: Reviz. posud. Lék., 24, 2021, č. 2-4, s. 38-45
Category: Original Articles, Review Articles, Case Reports


The patient‘s motor functions are projected into many medical disciplines. The task of the medical examiner is to evaluate the anamnesis, clinical findings, results of imaging examinations and other professional documents. The medical examiner shall express his/her expert opinion unambiguously, convincingly and verifiably in the medical assessment. We summarize the basic parameters of motor assessment, present examples of muscle tests and present a complicated and ambiguous case study, which demonstrates the complexity of assessment activities.


function – assessment point of view – motor skills – objectification of health condition – muscle test


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Medical assessment Occupational medicine
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