Bone SPECT image reconstruction using deconvolution and wavelet decomposition

Authors: Jaroslav Ptáček 1,2;  Lenka Henzlová 1;  Pavel Koranda 1
Authors‘ workplace: Klinika nukleární medicíny, LF UP a FN Olomouc 1;  Oddělení lékařské fyziky a radiační ochrany, LF UP a FN Olomouc 2
Published in: NuklMed 2015;4:42-50
Category: Original Article


The aim was to develop a new algorithm for bone SPECT image reconstruction and to compare its results with a standard OSEM and resolution recovery (RR) reconstructions.

Materials and methods:
The algorithm uses the Lucy-Richardson deconvolution and logarithmic image processing to enhance the projections. A modification of the wavelet decomposition coefficients was used to suppress the noise. The comparison with vendor software was done using a phantom study, utilizing Signal-to-Noise ratio (SNR), Signal-to-Background ratio (SBR) and spatial resolution. In clinical studies, visual assessment of changes in contrast, spatial resolution and lesion detectability were evaluated.

A change in the SNR (from − 4 to 40 %), an increase in the SBR (from 19 to 40 %), a minor improvement in spatial resolution and a similar noise level were observed in a phantom study compared to standard OSEM. A worse spatial resolution, a decrease in the SNR, but only a 3 to 13 % lower SBR were recorded in comparison with the vendor supplied resolution recovery (RR) algorithm. The proposed algorithm creates better contrast patient images leading to better lesion detectability compared to clinically used OSEM. More than half of obtained images showed better contrast and nearly half of them has better lesion detectability compared to RR.

The proposed algorithm works well compared to the standard OSEM, the results of the comparison with RR and noise suppression algorithms were not so promising, but still it can be used with only a slight decrease in the SBR.

Key Words:
algorithm, SPECT reconstruction, OSEM, RR


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Nuclear medicine Radiodiagnostics Radiotherapy
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