Radiation protection of PET/CT staff
Renáta Kohutová 1,2; Vítězslav Jiřík 2; Vojtěch Ullmann 3
Authors‘ workplace:
Oddělení nukleární medicíny PET/CT, Nemocnice Nový Jičín a. s., ČR
1; Ústav epidemiologie a ochrany veřejného zdraví, LF OU Ostrava, ČR
2; Klinika nukleární medicíny, LF OU a FN Ostrava, ČR
Published in:
NuklMed 2017;6:53-55
Original Article
Automatic injection device is currently used for most examinations except immobile patients at PET/CT department in Nový Jičín. Relative average dose of 3.62 μSv/GBq for staff member was measured in the first months of the year 2013 before introduction of this device. Dose calculation express a value of personal dose equivalent Hp (10) in relation to 1 GBq injected to patients. Dose was reduced to 1.69 μSv/GBq after introduction of this device still during this year. Relative average dose was further reduced during next two years to 1.35 μSv/GBq in the year 2014 and 1.32 μSv/GBq in the year 2015. Measurements were performed with an electronic dosimeter placed on the left side of the thorax of all staff members who came into contact with a radiopharmaceutical of injected patient. Operational measurement was performed in any person who injected radiopharmaceutical of approximately 300 MBq. 1 μSv was detected in 90 % during one injection while 2 or more μSv were detected during hand-operated injection of the same activity. Our optimization also decreased skin dose equivalent normalized to 1 GBq from 278 μSv/GBq to 145 μSv/GBq.
Key Words:
PET/CT, radiation protection, optimization
1. Seznam PET center v ČR, ČSNM [online] 2017. [cit. 2017-01-10] Dostupné na: https://www.csnm.cz/article/show/aboutDomain/pet-centres
2. Zákon 263/2016 Sb. – atomový zákon, SÚJB [online] 2016. [cit. 2017-01-10] Dostupné na: http://www.sujb.cz/legislativa/nove-atomove-pravo/
3. Vyhláška 422/2016 Sb. o radiační ochraně a zabezpečení radionuklidového zdroje, SÚJB [online] 2016. [cit. 2017-01-10] Dostupné na: http://www.sujb.cz/legislativa/nove-atomove-pravo/
Nuclear medicine Radiodiagnostics RadiotherapyArticle was published in
Nuclear Medicine

2017 Issue 3
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