An implementation and using of a simple radiochemical purity assessment method of [99mTc]-etifenin
Jiří Štěpán
Authors‘ workplace:
Oddělení nukleární medicíny, Uherskohradištská nemocnice a. s., Uherské Hradiště
; Klinika radiologie a nukleární medicíny, LF MU a FN Brno
Published in:
NuklMed 2017;6:62-66
Original Article
Methods for a radiochemical purity (RCP) assessment of [99mTc]technetium-etifenin mentioned in a patient information leaflet (PIL) of ROTOP – EHIDA 20,0 mg kit are too tedious or less available. A currently valid method of the Czech Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Boh.) stated in its Supplement 2015 is more complicated too. A simplest (currently non-pharmacopoeial) method was stated in Ph. Boh. 2009 – Supplement 2011 and therefore this one has been verified and introduced to a common practice.
Subjects and methods:
A radiochromatography with scintillation detector NaI(Tl) attached to a multichannel analyzer MCA-1000G. A stationary phase was ITLC-SA (9 × 1 cm), a mobile phase was 0,9% NaCl, a path length was 7 cm. To find out a radioactivity distribution the strip was cut into 0,5cm ones. For RCP assessment the strip was cut only into three pieces in optimized points.
A retardation factor (RF) of [99mTc]-etifenin RF = 0,75 (compared to 0,5 stated in Ph. Boh. 2009 – Supplement 2011) was determined by a radioactivity distribution measurement. RF of [99mTc]technetium in colloidal form and [99mTc]pertechnetate ion were 0–0,1 and 0,9–1, respectively. For RCP assessment the strips were cut at points accordant with RF = 0,1 and RF = 0,9. Average RCP was calculated from 15 values and was (96,8 ± 1,1) %, average [99mTc]technetium in colloidal form and [99mTc]pertechnetate ion were (1,6 ± 0,4) % and (1,6 ± 0,9) %, respectively.
The RCP assessment method according to Ph. Boh. 2009 – Supplement 2011 is applicable. A developed chromatogram can´t be cut into thirds as [99mTc]-etifenin isn´t in the middle of the chromatogram (as mentioned in Ph. Boh. 2009 – Supplement 2011) but around the point corresponding RF = 0,75. A cutting of the strip into three pieces at points accordant with RF = 0,1 and RF = 0,9 is convenient. The method is then reliable and RCP values were always satisfactory (minimum value 95,0 %).
Key words:
[99mTc]technetium-etifenin, [99mTc]technetium-EHIDA, N-(2,6-diethylacetanilido)iminodiacetic acid, [(2,6-diethylphenylcarbamoyl)methyl]iminodiacetic acid, radiochemical purity, [99mTc]technetium in colloidal form, [99mTc]pertechnetate ion
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Nuclear medicine Radiodiagnostics RadiotherapyArticle was published in
Nuclear Medicine

2017 Issue 4
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