Treatment of thyroid cancers with 131I

Authors: Simona Uhrinová
Authors‘ workplace: Oddělení nukleární medicíny, Fakultní nemocnice Hradec Králové, ČR
Published in: NuklMed 2020;9:34-36


Case report: The goal of our work is to provide the comprehensive information about medical procedures used during radioiodine therapy.

We present the perspective of a thyroid cancer at the beginning of the 19th century. The overview of the types of thyroid cancers and their eligibility for the radioiodine 131I therapy follows. Later on, we discuss solely differentiated cancers. The basic type of therapy is the combined procedure comprising surgical resection, application of radioiodine and thyroid hormones substitution. We give information about the course of hospitalization together with requirements which must be observed both at hospital and at home. There are also different pitfalls and possible complications during therapy. Long-life monitoring after the therapy is also important. Maintenance of the rules of radiation protection is an integral part of the therapeutic use of open sources.


therapy – thyroid cancer – radioiodine – nuclear medicine


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Nuclear medicine Radiodiagnostics Radiotherapy
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