Effect of lymphodrainage of lower extremities in patients with a diabetic foot syndrome – a pilot study
O. Lang 1,4; V. Prýmková 2; B. Daňhová 3
Authors‘ workplace:
Oddělení nukleární medicíny
1; Interní oddělení
2; Rehabilitace, Oblastní nemocnice Příbram
3; Klinika nukleární medicíny, 3. LF UK a FN Královské Vinohrady Praha 10, ČR
Published in:
NuklMed 2023;12:54-57
Original Article
Introduction: Peripheral autonomic neuropathy and vasculopathy are the most frequent causes of the difficulties in patients with a diabetic foot syndrome. These disorders can cause the increased accumulation of interstitial fluids and, thus, the worsening of tissue condition. Lymphodrainage is a procedure, which increase the interstitial fluid outflow from the extremities via the lymphatic system. Therefore, we investigated an effect of lymphodrainage on subjective feeling of patients with a diabetic foot syndrome.
Material and methods: Lymphodrainage was performed in 8 patients. There were 5 female and 3 male, average age of 60 (50-84) years. Intermittent pneumatic compression of lower extremities was performed in 7 patients, manual lymphatic drainage in one. We assessed the clinical effect (improvement of feeling of edema and heavy legs) in relation to transport capacity of lymphatic system and presence of dermal backflow. Paired t-test was used for comparison.
Results: Subjective improvement after lymphodrainage reported 3 patients (38 %) (group 1), 2 of them (66 %) showed dermal backflow. 5 patients (62 %) (group 2) did not refer any or questionable effect, dermal backflow had only 2 patients in this group (40 %). Transport capacity of lymphatic system did not differ between these two groups even for single extremities.
Conclusion: Lymphodrainage of lower extremities improved subjective feeling in one third of our patients, two thirds of them had a dermal backflow. However, there was no significant difference in lymphatic transport capacity between patients who improved and who did not. We, therefore, assume, that lymphatic transport capacity reached it maximum and even lymphodrainage cannot increase it. Thus, the treatment should be directed to decrease interstitial fluid production.
diabetic foot syndrome – lymphodrainage – clinical effect
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Nuclear Medicine

2023 Issue 3
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