Organization, reorganization and activities of the medical assessment service
R. Čevela; L. Čeledová
Authors‘ workplace:
Odbor lékařské posudkové služby MPSV ČR, Praha, ředitel MUDr. Bc. Rostislav Čevela
Published in:
Pracov. Lék., 61, 2009, No. 1, s. 7-11.
Original Papers
At the introduction, authors describe not only current organization and activities of the medical assessment service, but also new legal arrangements. Currently, the medical assessment service goes through large organizational changes which have an impact on activities of physicians reviewers. Authors present results of a survey on physicians opinions on activities of the medical assessment service done by the Faktum Invenio Company for the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. The survey showed that it is necesary to change the perception of review medicine by medical professionals as a field with low prestige, with a lot of paperwork and without contact with clinical medicine. The research further proved, that improved cooperation between physicians reviewers and closely collaborating medical fields like general practitioners or similar fields like occupational medicine will contribute to deeper knowledge of mutual activities, needs and requirements and thereby enhancing prestige of the review medicine field in the eyes of professional public.
Key words:
medical assessment service, physician reviewer, social security, questionnaire survey, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
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5. Interní materiály MPSV o lékařské posudkové službě.
6. Závěrečná zpráva dotazníkového šetření „Názory lékařů a veřejnosti na práci lékařské posudkové služby“ provedeného společností Faktum Invenio pro MPSV.
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