Is it possible to increase the effectiveness of the treatment of professional disorders of the locomotor apparatus?
A. Zlámal
Authors‘ workplace:
MEDIRECO, a. s., Brno-Židenice
Published in:
Pracov. Lék., 61, 2009, No. 3, s. 113-116.
Original Papers
Damage of musculoskeletal apparatus and lower extremity nerves related to longterm excessive overload is one of the most frequent problems in occupational medicine. The most frequent are diseases like isthmus syndromes, epicondylitis and tendovaginitis – especially of forearm flexors. The author recommends system enzymotherapy as a part of comprehensive conservative treatment for a couple of years. He presents retrospective evaluation and comparison of length of work inability in 72 patients (working in car industry), who were treated at the factory medical office by the practitioner for the period of nine months in 2008/2009. The half of patients (n = 36) was treated by obligatory prescribed medication, i. e. analgetics and locally applied nonsteroid antiphlogistic. The second half of patients (n = 36) decided to add Wobenzym to the obligatory medication upon the recommendation of the physician.
The average length of the treatment with obligatory medication was 143.8 ± 23.4 days; the combined treatment with Wobenzym shortened to 62.16 ± 9.4 days – i. e. it was 81.64 days shorter (by 56.73 %). Statistical analysis proved the highly significant difference.
Key words:
longterm excessive overload, system enzymotherapy, treatment length
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Hygiene and epidemiology Hyperbaric medicine Occupational medicineArticle was published in
Occupational Medicine

2009 Issue 3
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