A new approach to the evaluation of heat-humidity conditions in the workplace
Z. Jirák 1; M. Jokl 2; H. Tomášková 3,4; Z. Oleksiaková 1; Š. Bernatíková 5; S. Malý 6; J. Tvrdík 7
Authors‘ workplace:
Ústav fyziologie, LF OU Ostrava, vedoucí doc. RNDr. Pavol Švorc, CSc.
1; Fakulta stavební, katedra technických zařízení budov, ČVUT, Praha, vedoucí prof. Ing. Karel Kabele, CSc.
2; Ústav epidemiologie a ochrany veřejného zdraví, LF OU Ostrava, vedoucí prof. MUDr. Vladimír Janout, CSc.
3; Zdravotní ústav se sídlem v Ostravě, ředitel RNDr. Petr Hapala
4; Fakulta bezpečnostního inženýrství VŠB-TU Ostrava, vedoucí prof. RNDR. Pavel Danihelka, CSc.
5; Výzkumný ústav bezpečnosti práce v. v. i., Praha, ředitel RNDr. Stanislav Malý, Ph. D.
6; Katedra informatiky a počítačů, PřF, OU Ostrava, doc. Ing. Cyril Klimeš, CSc.
Published in:
Pracov. Lék., 64, 2012, No. 1, s. 23-31.
Original Papers
The aim of this study was to develop documentation for the amendment of the microclimatic part of the Government Regulation particularly in irregular radiant-convective load evaluation on the basis of experimental data obtained on a group of experimental individuals in a climatic chamber.
A group of 24 women aged 20 to 23 were exposed for 1 hour in a climatic chamber. Experiments were divided into three stages according to the final globe thermometer temperature (tg) (EI to EIII). In the stage EI was tg = 19 °C, in EII tg = 22 °C ad in EIII tg = 25 °C. The intensity of radiation from the vertical wall ranged in the individual experiments from -97 to +153 W . m-2. Air velocity at all stages ranged from va = 0.2 to 0.3 m . s-1, relative humidity ranged from 30 to 70%.
Thermal conditions in each stage were chosen to be optimal for uniform heat load of the seated subject. Thermal resistance of clothing was in various stages of 1.0, 0.75 and 0.5 clo. Physical parameters of air were continuously measured: air temperature, the final globe thermometer temperature, stereo temperature, air velocity, radiant temperature, relative humidity and physiological parameters such as: heart rate, skin temperature, oral temperature and sweat production. Local and overall thermal sensation was assessed by 7-point scale according to EN ISO 7730.
Equations were derived for the relationship between the thermal condition of the environment and the subjective sensations and the thermal condition of the environment and an average temperature of the skin.
The equations were used to develop recommended standards for the work thermal stress evaluation in the workplace with regular and irregular (horizontal and vertical) thermal load.
Key words:
uniform thermal load – non-uniform radiant – convective load – skin temperature – subjective sensation of warmth – stereo temperature – climatic chamber
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Hygiene and epidemiology Hyperbaric medicine Occupational medicineArticle was published in
Occupational Medicine

2012 Issue 1
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