Lateral epicondylitis of humerus in clinical practice of the occupational diseases ward
Gromnica Rostislav 1; Kundrát Petr 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Oddělení nemocí z povolání, Hornická poliklinika, s. r. o., Ostrava
1; Soukromá ortopedická ambulance, Ostrava
Published in:
Pracov. Lék., 66, 2014, No. 2-3, s. 90-93.
Review article
The authors summarize their knowledge and experience in the long-time assessment of occupational character of lateral epicondylitis of humerus in the industrial regions of northern Moravia and Silesia. Concise knowledge of etiology, pathological anatomy, diagnostics, differential diagnostics and therapy of this relatively frequent disease are outlined from the view of a professional in the area of occupational medicine as well as an outpatient orthopedist. Moreover they reflect and analyze some repeated problems in establishment of the diagnosis and subsequent evaluation of possible links of the disease to the work performed. In the chapter on therapy of lateral epicondylitis the authors draw attention to importance of sufficiently long rest therapy (especially using long-term fixation) after local corticosteroid injection. In conclusion the authors point out the necessary collaboration of the occupational medicine and orthopedist professionals, who should ideally have long-term practice in evaluating occupational character of the disease. Some questions regarding the results of three-phase scintigraphy in clinical occupational medicine are also postulated. The authors recommend the professional public to consider establishment of an auxiliary point system, which would take into account all diagnostic parameters, since neither of them alone is absolutely significant. Clinical criteria for notification of endangerment with occupational disease are missing as well.
Klíčová slova:
lateral epicondylitis – ulnar epicondylitis – local injection/administration – fixation – rest therapy – three-phase elbow scintigraphy – occupational disease
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Hygiene and epidemiology Hyperbaric medicine Occupational medicineArticle was published in
Occupational Medicine

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