Health protection at work in the network of dialysis workplaces
Hrušková Mária 1; Rošková Dana 2; Buchancová Janka 1,2; Strýčková Mária 1; Mitošinková Marianna 3; Rosenberger Jaroslav 3; Cigániková Zdenka 1; Zelník Štefan 1; Kolář René 3
Authors‘ workplace:
ŽILPO, s. r. o., Žilina, Slovensko vedúca prof. MUDr. Henrieta Hudečková, PhD., MPH
1; Ústav verejného zdravotníctva JLF UK Martin, Univerzita Komenského Bratislava, Slovensko vedúci MUDr. Štefan Zelník, PhD.
2; FMC – dialyzačné služby s. r. o., Piešťany, Slovensko vedúci Ing. René Kolář
Published in:
Pracov. Lék., 66, 2014, No. 4, s. 137-144.
Original Papers
*Práca bola v skrátenej forme prednesená na VII. ročníku Kongresu nemocí z povolání s mezinárodní účastí, 16.–17. október 2014, Luhačovice.
The health surveillance evaluated the adherence to principles of health protection at work in the network of dialysis services in various localities of Slovakia. The collection of data for evaluating the factors of work and working environment, their health risk, for the elaboration of work categories from the health risk point of view as well as the operation orders from the health protection and support of the employees’ health at work was performed by the Work Medical Service ŽILPO, s. r. o (Ltd) of the town Žilina directly at the individual dialysis workplaces. The authors followed 531 employees of 19 dialysis workplaces (subgroups 1–19 with 15 to 42 employees at the dialysis FMC workplaces) according to occupations. The mean age f the employees was 45.5 years and corresponded to the requirements for the dialysis personnel. Women were predominant (81.9%, i.e. 435 women versus 96 men). The analysis and evaluation of the identified factors of work and working environment were the basis of recommendation for placement of the kinds of work into categories for the employer in agreement with the Regulation of the Ministry of Health of Slovak Republic No. 448/2007 Z. z. (Collection of Regulations). After evaluation of the complex of factors of work and working environment of the dialysis centers’ employees the authors pointed out the importance of continuous observation of specific working environment in connection with a maximal and timely implementation of preventive measures. The interest of the employer, employees and PZS (health service providers) in the formation and maintaining of optimal work conditions under the central FMC management is reflected, among others, in the statement that after 3 to 5 years of operation, no occupational diseases including infection ones have been recorded. The placement of jobs of the observed occupations or professions into the non-risk categories 2 does not exclude strict maintenance of the health protection at work especially for the fact that in the dialysis centers the biological factor is involved among work factors, since a vaccine against hepatitis C is still not existent. Epidemiological vigilance is still necessary considering the multitude of other infectious diseases, which the dialyzed patients with immune-compromised background may encounter and suffer from. It also applies to TBC infections in spite of the fact that TBC incidence in the Slovak Republic population over the last years has been very low. A positive approach of the employer, regularly controlled adherence to correct hygienic work regiment secured by all participants in the prevention chain brings about a considerable economic benefit to the last.
dialysis – work conditions – work factors – work performance mode – monitoring – health surveillance
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Hygiene and epidemiology Hyperbaric medicine Occupational medicineArticle was published in
Occupational Medicine

2014 Issue 4
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