Analysis of subjective assessment of thermal-humidity microclimatic conditions in selected production organizations

Authors: M. Andrejiová 1;  R. Králiková 2;  M. Piňosová 3
Authors place of work: Ústav automatizácie, robotiky a mechatroniky, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, Strojnícka fakulta, Katedra aplikovanej matematiky a informatiky odborný asistent RNDr. Miriam Andrejiová, PhD. 1;  Ústav konštrukčného a procesného inžinierstva, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, Strojnícka fakulta, Katedra procesného a environmentálneho inžinierstva doc. Ing. Ružena Králiková, PhD. 2;  Ústav konštrukčného a procesného inžinierstva, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, Strojnícka fakulta, Katedra procesného a environmentálneho inžinierstva vedecko-výskumný pracovník Ing. Miriama Piňosová, PhD. 3
Published in the journal: Pracov. Lék., 68, 2016, No. 3, s. 77-86.
Category: Original Papers


The contribution presents basic groundwork and results of investigation reached in the authors’ research. The authors deal with evaluation of physical factors of working environment, particularly noise, vibrations, illumination and thermal-humidity microclimatic conditions. Subjected and objective influences of these factors on human health are investigated. The microclimatic conditions of the working environment, also denominated as thermal-humidity conditions are determined by temperature, humidity and air flow.

These parameters significantly influence the human subjective feeling, quality of relaxation as well as working productivity.

That is why the authors set to investigate subjective feelings of the employees, who assessed the thermal-humidity conditions in selected production organizations.

The attention was devoted to theoretical and empirical part of evaluating thermal-humidity microclimatic parameters of the working environment and their effects on the employees. A questionnaire survey was included in the evaluation and two areas were of interest:

  1. thermal-humidity microclimatic conditions at the workplace;
  2. health problems of the employees associated with the workplace conditions.

Two hundred employees working in the production machinery organizations in eastern Slovakia participated in the research. The entry criterion for eligibility into the cohort was a good health state of the respondents, without any serious health problems. It has become obvious that there is a significant statistical relationship between some observed indices including the age of the employee and occurrence of the observed health problems (headache, the feeling of catching a cold, backache), as well as between the type of working activity and satisfaction with humidity at the workplace or the feeling of dried nasal mucosa.

Results of the questionnaire survey also revealed a significant relationship between the type of working organization and thermal-humidity conditions at the workplace or the incidence of health problems of the respondents. Moreover, the authors observed a relationship between thermal-humidity microclimatic parameters and the feeling of fatigue and headache (or the feeling of catching cold, backache and the feeling of dry nasal mucosa). In evaluating the questionnaire survey the authors used statistical methods suitable for determination of relationship between the category characteristics. .

physical factors of working environment – microclimatic conditions – health problems of the employees


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