Diagnosis: The orderly
M. Hryciow
Authors‘ workplace:
Klinika pracovního lékařství FN a LF UK Plzeň
přednostka MUDr. Vendulka Machartová, Ph. D.
Published in:
Pracov. Lék., 68, 2016, No. 4, s. 141-145.
Case Report
A successful performance in many occupations including the blue-collar ones requires professional and health capabilities, but also psychical and moral qualities. In order to minimize possible consequences in personal placement due to employment of unsuitable person, Faculty Hospital Plzeň (Pilsen) includes in the entry preventive examinations also a psychological examination of the orderly candidates. The obligation to undergo a psychological examination also applies to medical students who enter this position during their study as a secondary employment. The psychological examination usually evaluates psychomotor pace, reliability, level of intellectual qualities and prerequisites, or personality features and it also investigates possible psychical disorders, which might preclude management of the tasks at some exposed workplaces or risks in the contacts with patients. A repeated comparison of the results of psychodiagnostic methods and qualitative data between the group of medical students and the orderlies who join the regular fulltime job became the source of hypothesis investigating possible significant differences. Since a good memory is supposed to be an axiomatic truth in medical students and intellectual capacities are to considerable extend dependent on social environment they come from, the vigilance tests were selected for clearness. The output data were processed by statistical methods of F-test and t-test. Since the calculated values of the investigated characteristics surpassed the values of the tested criteria at the P = 0.05 level of significance, it may be concluded that the orderlies form the group of medical students displayed higher psychomotor pace and better attention concentration than the orderlies who were engaged into fulltime jobs.
medical student – orderly – psychic capability – attention or vigilance – working pace – Faculty Hospital Plzeň
1. Brickenkamp, R., Zillmer, E.: Test pozornosti d2. Praha, Testcentrum, 2000.
2. Preiss, M., Kučerová, H.: Neuropsychologie v psychiatrii. Praha, Grada publishing, 2006, s. 404.
Hygiene and epidemiology Hyperbaric medicine Occupational medicineArticle was published in
Occupational Medicine

2016 Issue 4
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