Relapsing Polychondritis, Manifestations in Otolaryngology Area

Authors: J. Kalhous 1;  R. Válková 2;  E. Hrnčíř 3
Authors place of work: Oddělení ORL a chirurgie hlavy a krku, Krajská zdravotní, a. s., Masarykova nemocnice, Ústí n. Labem, primář MUDr. K. Sláma 1;  Infekční oddělení, Krajská zdravotní, a. s., Masarykova nemocnice, Ústí n. Labem, primář MUDr. P. Dlouhý 2;  Dermatovenerologické odd., Krajská zdravotní, a. s., Masarykova nemocnice, Ústní n. Labem, primář MUDr. O. Filipovská 3
Published in the journal: Otorinolaryngol Foniatr, 59, 2010, No. 2, pp. 92-95.
Category: Case History


Relapsing polychondritis is a rare and serious autoimmune disease affecting the cartilaginous structures of the ear, nose, larynx and trachea. Diagnosis of the disease is quite complex, relying upon sets of symptoms as described in the Minnesota classification. As an otolaryngologist might be the first to come into contact with the patient, early diagnosis and treatment can prevent serious complications. In this case study, we review patients with a range of symptoms of the disease in the otolaryngeal area such as perichondritis of the earlobes, inflammation of the middle ear and impaired functions of the inner ear accompanied by deafness.

Key words:
relapsing polychondritis, deafness.


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Audiology Paediatric ENT ENT (Otorhinolaryngology)
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