Surgical Treatment of Septal Perforation - Own Experience

Authors: M. Lásková;  M. Sičák
Authors place of work: Klinika ORL a chirurgie hlavy a krku ÚVN a FN, Ružomberok
Published in the journal: Otorinolaryngol Foniatr, 66, 2017, No. 4, pp. 192-197.
Category: Original Article


Nasal septal perforation represents serious clinical problem. Etiologically, there are traumatic, iatrogenic and idiopathic perforations; perforations in granulomatous diseases are uncommon. Treatment is symptomatic or causal - surgery.

The aim of our study was to evaluate the success of surgical treatment of nasal septal perforation using relaxing technique.

Material and methods:
The authors retrospectively analyzed patients with nasal septal perforation that were surgically treated at the Clinic of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery at Military Faculty Hospital in Ruzomberok between 2004 - 2015. Etiology, size, localization of nasal perforation and success of surgical treatment were evaluated.

Fifty-seven patients underwent surgery for nasal septal perforation. The most common size of perforation was 10-20 mm. Perforations after septoplasty and idiopathic perforations occurred most frequently. All patients were treated surgically using relaxing technique. Thirty operations (52 %) were performed by open access. One year after surgery, the clinical success of surgery was 84 %. Open vs. the closed access did not affect the success of the operation. Negative effect on surgery had Nasal perforations greater than 20 mm, basal localization and perforations after previous septoplasty had negative effect on success of surgery.

The success of surgical treatment of nasal septal depends on its size, location and etiology. Despite the precise surgical technique, it is not possible to achieve the success in all cases.

nasal septal perforation, relaxing technique, success of treatment


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