Classification and diagnosis of uterine myomatosis in relationship to reproductive dysfunction
Renata Sklářová
Authors‘ workplace:
Gynekologicko-porodnické oddělení Nemocnice Boskovice, primář MUDr. Jan Machač
Published in:
Prakt Gyn 2014; 18(4): 259-264
Gynecology and Obstetrics
With arised frequence of uterine fibroids and another pelvic pathologies remains the problems of myomas and reproductive disorders of sterility women very actually in the fields of reproductive medicine. A uterine fibroid (myomy, leiomyoma) is the most frequent benign tumour of the uterine body, affecting 30–50% of women aged 30–50 years. The frequent occurrence of uterine fibroids (myoma, leiomyoma) and their etiopathogenesis is currently still unknown. It is expected to impact a number of genetic and non-genetic factors, including in particular the influences of civilization, anthropometric and reproductive factors. Further characterization of fibroids significantly affects their symptoms and treatment. Fibroids are classified according to the number, size and location. The clinical symptoms of fibroids include changes in the menstrual cycle, changes in the blood, organs oppression, pain, infertility and symptoms associated with pregnancy. Ultrasonography is used as the basic method in the diagnosis of fibroids, especially vaginal ultrasonography. For the diagnosis of fibroids submucosal saved can be used Hyster-sonography or hysteroscopy as a diagnostic and therapeutic method at the same time. Selectively can then add computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). A specific problem is the relationship of fibroids for women (in)fertility. Fibroids are occurring in 1–4% of all full-term pregnancies and the number of women with fibroids is not sterile. On the other hand, according to the results of numerous studies fibroids undoubtedly participates in sterility, repeated spontaneous abortions and many pregnancy and obstetric complications. In accordance with the results and conclusions of the studies, it is clear that the fibroids contributes to sterility, spontaneous abortion or other pregnancy and obstetric complications. The current relationship Fibroids and reproductive outcomes, as well as the importance of different treatments, sometimes remains controversial.
Key words:
infertility – uterine myomas – uterine myomatosis during pregnancy
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Paediatric gynaecology Gynaecology and obstetrics Reproduction medicineArticle was published in
Practical Gynecology

2014 Issue 4
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