Hypermobility in Sport

Authors: L. Satrapová;  T. Nováková
Authors place of work: Katedra fyzioterapie UK FTVS Praha vedoucí katedry doc. PaedDr. D. Pavlů, CSc.
Published in the journal: Rehabil. fyz. Lék., 19, 2012, No. 4, pp. 199-202.
Category: Case Report


Hypermobility of children and adults causes not only in sport a lot of various problems of locomotor apparatus. Some of sport branches encourage the development of hypermobility either local or constitutional. In the examples of several case studies we will try to show the causes of hypermobility and subsequent difficulties in various sports, medical and physiotherapeutic possibilities of intervention and whether it is real long-term compensation.

Key words:
hypermobility, sport, locomotor apparatus


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Physiotherapist, university degree Rehabilitation Sports medicine
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