Argumentation for Application of Intentionally Oriented Movements in Physiotherapy

Authors: B. Kolářová;  A. Krobot;  L. Hradilová;  P. Kolář
Authors place of work: Oddělení rehabilitace Fakultní nemocnice Olomouc primář MUDr. A. Krobot, Ph. D. ;  Ústav fyzioterapie, Fakulta zdravotnických věd, Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci přednosta MUDr. A. Krobot, Ph. D.
Published in the journal: Rehabil. fyz. Lék., 20, 2013, No. 1, pp. 4-10.
Category: Original Papers


In this paper we argue for the application of intentionally oriented movements in physiotherapy as well as the mere idea of a specific motion.

In our therapeutic practice we are well aware of the fact that for reeducation of motion disorders it is rather useful to use specific intentional movements (e.g. passing over a book from the bench or drinking a glass of water). Supposedly comparison with analytical movements result in joining in more motion components, increased activity of neural centers and marked neuroplastic changes. In our kinesiologic experiments we document accordingly a significant facilitation of muscular activity with purposeful motions of the upper extremity.

Changes in muscular activity of m. extensor digitorum, m. flexor digitorum and m. biceps brachii were evaluated by surface electromyography in relation to the purposefulness scale of the movement. Fours different situations were tested: 1. putting hand on the mouth, 2. idea of recruitment drinking from the glass, 3. pretence of drinking water from the glass with wax, 4. real drinking of water from a real glass

The results indicate that increasing purposefulness of tested movements correlated strongly with the character of recruitment of motoric units.

The highest muscular activation resulted only in an actual motion of drinking the glass of water (4). A significant activation was associated with a mere pretence of functional movement (2).

functional purposeful motion, idea of motion, surface electromyography, physiotherapy


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Physiotherapist, university degree Rehabilitation Sports medicine
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