Limbs Movement as an Indicator of Spontaneous Motor Activity at Pre-term Infants

Authors: A. Můčková 1,2,3;  M. Janura 1;  Z. Svoboda 1;  J. Hálek 3;  J. Maříková 2;  K. Horáková 4
Authors‘ workplace: Katedra přírodních věd v kinantropologii, FTK UP, Olomouc, vedoucí katedry prof. RNDr. M. Janura, Dr. 1;  Ústav fyzioterapie, FZV UP, Olomouc, vedoucí ústavu doc. MUDr. A. Krobot, Ph. D. 2;  Oddělení neonatologie, Fakultní nemocnice, Olomouc, primář MUDr. L. Kantor, Ph. D. 3;  Ústav rehabilitace, LF OU, Ostrava, vedoucí ústavu doc. MUDr. L. Pleva, CSc. 4
Published in: Rehabil. fyz. Lék., 21, 2014, No. 4, pp. 174-179.
Category: Original Papers


This is a pilot study evaluating movement in upper and lower limbs in pre-term babies comparing to full-term infants. The experimental group consisted of 10 pre-term infants born before 38th gestational week. The control group consisted of 10 full-term infants. 3D videography (2 Sony DCR-TR V900E cameras, Sony HDV 1080i) was used to analyse movement. The infant was recorded on the back position for 30 seconds. APAS system was used to process the recording. The observed parameters were range, variability and speed of movement of selected joints in upper and lower limbs. Statistical data processing was carried out by Statistica 10.0 programme. To compare both groups of infants Mann-Whitney U non-parametrical test was used.

The results showed greater movement range, variability and speed of movement in upper limbs at the infants born before 37th gestational week compared to full-term infants.

pre-term infant, 3D videography, motor behaviour


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Physiotherapist, university degree Rehabilitation Sports medicine

Article was published in

Rehabilitation & Physical Medicine

Issue 4

2014 Issue 4
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