Carpal Instability
R. Poděbradská 1,2; J. Calta 5; J. Debre 3; L. Vidláková 4
Authors‘ workplace:
Katedra podpory zdraví FSpS MUNI Brno
1; Rehabilitační ambulance Lipová-lázně
2; Ortopedické oddělení Nemocnice Šumperk
3; Katedra fyzioterapie FTK UP v Olomouci
4; Klinika rehabilitačního lékařství FNKV, Praha
Published in:
Rehabil. fyz. Lék., 24, 2017, No. 2, pp. 69-75.
Original Papers
The wrist is a complex joint, the kinematics of which has so far not been unambiguously described, also due to the large inter-individual morphological differences leading to countless options of stabilizing patterns. The disorder of the normal wrist mechanics causes carpal bones’ instability, the result of which manifests itself as increased fatigability, tension, chronic pain, and finally also arthritis or degenerative changes. For didactic reasons, there have been several classifications and different concepts of this issue, and multiple means of treatment have been described. The carpal instability etiology is described in literature mostly as the structural damage of the anatomic structures of the wrist, less frequently also as the result of functional disorders, which may also lead to the instability of the wrist. The article summarizes the basic stabilizing principles in the area of the wrist, the knowledge of which represents an important part of conducting an efficient therapy. Further on, there are several basic classifications of carpal instability and the carpal instability as a possible part of the musculoskeletal system functional disorders. At the same time, the basic principles and options of physical therapy in carpal instability are presented.
carpal instability, functional disorders of musculoskeletal system, ligament injuries
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Physiotherapist, university degree Rehabilitation Sports medicineArticle was published in
Rehabilitation & Physical Medicine

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