Donor Erythrocytophereses - Initial Experience with the Haemonetics MCS+Separator
Dárcovské erytrocytaferézy – první zkušenostise separátorem Haemonetics MCS+
Jsou prezentovány výsledky a hodnocení laboratorních kontrol kvality deleukotizovaných erytrocytůa erytrocytů zbavených buffy-coatu vyrobených metodou aferézy na přístroji Haemonetics MCS+. Jekonstatována vysoká standardnost a kvalita konečných produktů, relativní bezpečnost odběru a dobrátolerance procedury dárcem.
Klíčová slova:
erytrocytaferéza, erytrocyty resuspendované deleukotizované, erytrocyty bez buffy-co-atu resuspendované, kontrola kvality
D. Janek
Authors‘ workplace:
Hematologické a transfuzní oddělení NsP, Karviná-Ráj
Published in:
Transfuze Hematol. dnes,, 2000, No. 4, p. 134-136.
The authors present the results and evaluation of laboratory quality controls of red cells, buffy coatremoved and leucocyte-depleted produced by apheresis on a Haemonetics MCS+ apparatus. Theauthors found a high standard and quality of the final products, relative safety of sampling andsatisfactory tolerance of the procedure by the donor.
Key words:
erythrocytapheresis, red cells in additive solution, buffy-coat removed and leucocyte-dep-leted
Haematology Internal medicine Clinical oncologyArticle was published in
Transfusion and Haematology Today
2000 Issue 4
- Vascular Disease in the Gradually Aging Population of Hemophiliacs: An Underestimated Problem?
- The Importance of Hydration in Wound Healing
- Cost Effectiveness of FVIII Substitution Versus Non-Factor Therapy for Hemophilia A
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