Principles of Keeping and Management of Documentation in QualitySystems
Zásady vedení a řízení dokumentace v systémechjakosti
Podmínkou jakosti je zavedený a řízený dokumentační systém dokumentace předpisové (zpravidla vetřech vrstvách: 1. příručka jakosti, 2. směrnice, případně též specifikace, 3. pracovní postupy (standardní operační postupy) a záznamové.
Klíčová slova:
dokumentace, dokumentační systém, příručka jakosti, řízení dokumentace
M. Bohoněk
Authors‘ workplace:
Oddělení hematologie a krevní transfuze, ÚVN, Praha
Published in:
Transfuze Hematol. dnes,, 2001, No. 2, p. 61-62.
The prerequisite of quality is a controlled documentation system of regulations (as a rule at three levels:1. site master file, 2. regulations, possibly also specifications, 3. working procedures (standard operation procedures) and records.
Key words:
documentation, documentation system, handbook of quality, documentation control
Haematology Internal medicine Clinical oncologyArticle was published in
Transfusion and Haematology Today
2001 Issue 2
- Vascular Disease in the Gradually Aging Population of Hemophiliacs: An Underestimated Problem?
- The Importance of Hydration in Wound Healing
- Cost Effectiveness of FVIII Substitution Versus Non-Factor Therapy for Hemophilia A
- Prognostic Significance of Subclinical Joint Changes on MRI in Hemophilia
- Immunotolerance is still the goal of management of hemophilia A with inhibitor in the era of non-factor therapy
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- External Quality Control in Immunohaematology in the Czech Republic,1992-2000
- Autotransfusion in the CR in 2000
- External Quality Control of Laboratories Examining Serological Markers ofViral Hepatitis and HIV Virus
- Principles of Keeping and Management of Documentation in QualitySystems