Development in the Blood Transfusion Service of the Czech Republic over the year 1990
P. Turek
Authors‘ workplace:
Transfuzní oddělení, Thomayerova nemocnice, Praha
Published in:
Transfuze Hematol. dnes,25, 2019, No. 1, p. 11-19.
Review/Educational Papers
The Blood Transfusion Service and Transfusion Medicine in the Czech Republic have seen dramatic changes over the past 25 years: obsolete principles and technology hardly meeting the needs of other medical fields have been quickly replaced by up-to-date technologies. Collection of blood into glass bottles has been replaced by collection into plastic bags and production of high quality blood components began in the mid-90s.The donor pool has stabilized. Cooperation with foreign plasma-processing companies has sped up the implementation of good manufacturing practice (legal requirements for GMP were set in 1997). Automatization of laboratory testing and processing of collected blood is continuing progressively.
The Czech Republic is self-sufficient in the production of blood components and modern, safer products have been introduced in the past years (leukodepletion, resuspension of blood cells in artificial solutions, selection of plasma donors to decrease TRALI risk …). Production of plasma for fractionation is also on the rise. The organisation structure remains hospital-based, although some centres limit their activities to blood collection and sending blood for processing to bigger centres. This results in a relatively wide spectrum of products and procedures making the situation difficult to understand for clinicians. Transfusion use corresponds to European standards, rational haemotherapy is implemented and significant attention is given to haemovigilance. Due to the favourable epidemiological situation and safety measures, transmission of infection via blood is rare (but not inexistent). Standardization of procedures (related to complex organisation) and ensuring general availability of blood products for our patients remains a challenge for the future.
Czech Blood Transfusion Service – blood donation – production of blood components – haemotherapy
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7. Rada Evropy, Trends and Observations on the Collection, Testing and Use of Blood and Blood Components in Europe 2001–2011. Dostupné na www:
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10. Galuszková D. Potransfuzní reakce v České Republice 2017. Transfuze Hematol dnes 2018;24(Supl 2/b):115.
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