West Nile fever in the background of the COVID-19 pandemic
E. Křížová 1; H. Lejdarová 1,2; I. Rudolf 3
Authors‘ workplace:
Transfuzní a tkáňové oddělení, FN Brno
1; LF MU, Brno
2; Ústav biologie obratlovců AV ČR Brno
Published in:
Transfuze Hematol. dnes,27, 2021, No. 4, p. 316-321.
Review/Educational Papers
Due to climate change, tropical pathogens are spreading throughout Europe, posing a risk to the safety of haemotherapy in the Czech Republic. The first occurrence of the West Nile virus (WNV) in the Czech Republic was documented as early as 1985 and it has been demonstrated that WNV has been circulating in the Czech Republic for a long time. Transmission of WNV infection by blood transfusion has been known known since 2002. In 2018, five locally acquired (autochthonous) WNV human infections were confirmed in the South Moravian Region, and the transfusion service facility was faced with the question of how to adequately ensure transfusion product in the region in accordance with mandatory legislation. The readiness of Czech transfusion services to deal with similar situations must be ensured every WNV season. This is not possible without close cooperation with infectologists and epidemiologists. This article summarizes basic data on the occurrence of WNV in the Czech Republic and on the procedures to ensure safety of haemotherapy in relation to WNV.
haemotherapy – Blood donors – West Nile virus – WNV
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- West Nile fever in the background of the COVID-19 pandemic