Recommendations for thrombotic risk stratification and targeted thromboprophylaxis in women during assisted reproduction
J. Gumulec 1; P. Ďulíček 2; A. Buliková 3; Pavel Otevřel 4
; D. Rumpík 5; M. Štelcl 6; Š. Machač 7; T. Kvasnička 8
Authors‘ workplace:
Klinika hematoonkologie LF OU a FN Ostrava
1; IV. interní hematologická klinika FN Hradec Králové
2; Oddělení klinické hematologie, FN Brno
3; Reprofi t International s. r. o., Brno
4; Klinika reprodukční medicíny a gynekologie, Zlín
5; Reprogenesis Brno
6; IVF Clinic Olomouc a. s.
7; Trombotické centrum VFN v Praze
Published in:
Transfuze Hematol. dnes,29, 2023, No. 1, p. 51-59.
The consensus statement of the Czech Society for Thrombosis and Haemostatis and The Section for Assisted Reproduction of the Czech Society for Gynaecology and Obstetrics
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