Haemolytic-uremic syndrome associated with infection

Authors: J. Sagan 1,2;  M. Bielaszewska 3;  M. Havlíčková 3
Authors‘ workplace: Klinika infekčního lékařství FN Ostrava 1;  Katedra interních oborů, LF OU, Ostrava 2;  Státní zdravotní ústav, Centrum epidemiologie a mikrobio logie, Národní referenční laboratoř pro E. coli a shigely 3
Published in: Transfuze Hematol. dnes,30, 2024, No. S1, p. 30-35.
doi: https://doi.org/10.48095/cctahd2024suppl1S30


Haemolytic-uraemic syndrome (HUS) is a form of thrombotic microangiopathy. It is characterised by acute kidney injury, non-immune Coombs-negative haemolytic anaemia, and thrombocytopenia. Typical HUS is a serious disease that develops as a consequence of diarrhoea caused by Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) strains, which can be detected in a patient’s stool culture. The disease primarily affects preschool children. The infection occurs mostly through ingestion of STEC-contaminated food. The clinical course is dominated by abdominal pain often accompanied by cramps and diarrhoea with or without blood, icterus, and acute kidney injury with haematuria, proteinuria, and elevated kidney function parameters. At the same time, skin and mucosal bleeding of various extent occurs. central nervous system involvement may develop as a life-threatening complication. It is important to timely recognize and treat patients in an intensive care unit with the possibility of haemodialysis.


Escherichia coli – thrombotic microangiopathy – acute kidney injury – children – haemolytic-uraemic syndrome – Shiga toxin

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JS – napsání rukopisu
MB, MH – revize rukopisu
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Do redakce doručeno dne: 4. 12. 2023.
Přijato po recenzi dne: 8. 7. 2024.
MUDr. Jiří Sagan
Klinika infekčního lékařství
FN Ostrava
e-mail: jiri.sagan@fno.cz
Haematology Internal medicine Clinical oncology
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