Non- complicated uroinfections - what is new and what has changed

Authors: MUDr. Ivan Kolombo;  Febu
Authors place of work: Urologická ambulance Městské nemocnice Turnov
Published in the journal: Urol List 2005; 3(2): 13-29


Urinary tract infections (UTI), together with respiratory infects, belong to the most frequent inflammatory diseases at all and they occur at both sexes during the lifetime. Considering the anatomic proportions and common communication of lower urinary tract and sexual organs in men, the inflammatory diseases of male sexual organs are also ranked to this issue. UTI are frequent cause of morbidity and in complicated cases they may also lead to a significant mortality [97]. Better understanding of pathogenesis and the role of host and bacterial factors participating in the development of UTI makes possible to identify the risk patients, to minimize the consequences of the disease or enforced treatment and that way to improve the fate of the affected people. Rational pharmacotherapy, including the use of modern antimicrobial drugs, enables to reduce the morbidity and connected costs which are not small. This comprehensive article deals with non-complicated uroinfections. The problem of complicated UTI and sexually transmitted diseases (STD) will be mentioned only in basic level, unavoidable for explanation of neccessary relationships related to non-complicated UTI and it will be discussed in detail in separate articles.

urinary infections, diagnostics, therapy, prophylaxis


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Paediatric urologist Urology
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